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Featured programs

Featured programs-

 St. James The Apostle School says:

"Our first week of Science Exploration was a success!"

*Walking Water Experiment*               Capillary Action

What Parents Are Saying.... 


"Lilly is loving Science class. Thank you for offering this wonderful program!"

-Melissa R.


"Adorable! Marisa is loving this program!Great program!"

-Maria V.


"Thank you to Ingrid Battista and helpers for this amazing program...had a great time and learned so much."


*Animal Habitats/
Fish In A Bag Slime*
*Gobstopper Lab *                                              
(color mixing/solubles/testing a hypothesis/making predictions)
*How To Make Bouncy Balls(Polymers)*
Last day- 
All our Scientists brought home a folder with the culmination of their work and received a certificate.
Thank You St. James!!
Each child made and brought home their own bouncy ball!

Featured program-

Mosaic Storytelling 
"Super nice work...I love it!"
-Matt S.     NJAPE
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